139 Corny Jokes to Tell Kids You Love and Adults You Hate

2022-06-24 19:21:10 By : Ms. Gilian Dong

Remember: Dad jokes are funny as long as you think they are.

Nothing lightens the mood like the ridiculousness of a funny joke or riddling off a reserve of cheesy quips. For kids, it can definitely be a reprieve from long days cooped up at home, frustrating school days, or conflict between siblings. With older kids, it’s always a toss-up whether corny jokes will elicit a laugh or an eye-roll, and what works one day might be deemed uncool the next. But honestly, an eye-roll from a teenager is a victory in and of itself. This list of funny dad jokes has something for everyone, from animal jokes to food jokes, math jokes, and Star Wars jokes. (Everyone who likes funny jokes, that is.) And although these funnies might annoy your spouse (and any other adults nearby), they’ll make any kid laugh. So, whatever works, right?

This article was originally published on 3.13.2019