
2022-09-23 19:25:09 By : Ms. Julie Qian

Starting in October, IKEA will sell a record player. It’s not just a blast from the past or an attempt at banking on the rediscovery of vinyl by a younger generation. The product is, in fact, the headliner of a much broader collection developed by the company together with Swedish House Mafia. Called Obegränsad, Swedish for “unlimited”, the new series includes 20 products (or 23, including different sizes of bags, carpets, and furry slippers), all target at a demographic of musicians, DJs, and producers who have unlimited creative potential but a limited budget to set up their home studio.

The Obegränsad record player is the inevitable showstopper. It’s black, sturdy, and minimalistic. It can be paired with the Ikea Eneby speaker, or any other speaker set through its RCA output. The collection includes useful accessories for vinyl lovers, not just musicians, such as a new all-black Kallax-style shelf for organizing a record collection, a metal stand for records, and an Ikea-style black bag for carrying records around.  The Obegränsad desk is another interesting element of the new series. It has two supports for monitor speakers and a retractable shelf for holding a keyboard. Designer Friso Wiersma and Swedish House Mafia have also included other accessories and objects that contribute mainly to the studio environment's general flair, such as a chair, a digital back-lit clock, a wall LED lamp, and, last but not least, furry slippers.  The Obegränsad collection will be available for preorder online on October 3rd and will arrive in all Ikea stores on October 7th.

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