24 Things You'll Only Understand If You Grew Up In An Asian Family | The Paradise News

2022-05-20 21:42:42 By : Mr. Jimmy Kim

Calling someone auntie or uncle even though you’re not related to them.

It’s a term of respect that comes in extra handy when you’re suddenly introduced to a bunch of people who are proclaiming that you were “so cute as a baby” and have “grown up so much”. Yeah, of course, I remember you…auntie!

Leaving your shoes at the door or storing them on a shoe stand at the front of the house.

Honestly, it’s a relief to change out of my outdoor shoes and slip on my comfy indoor slippers whenever I arrive home. 

But then feeling conflicted when you visit a friend’s house and are told to wear your shoes inside their home — even though it feels wrong.


Growing up and being told that home remedies work better than Western medicine.

Tiger Balm, having your back rubbed with a spoon, supposedly ancient remedies that have the most random assortment of ingredients that would cure your cold, medicinal oils — your mum had it all. The funny thing is that as an adult, I now live for the heady smell of Tiger Balm and the slight burn and tingle it gives when applied.

Having random people you’ve just met ask you, “No, where are you really from?”

I understand that people’s intentions aren’t always bad when asking this, but it’s such an awkward question. Like, I was born in Australia, the same as you, so that’s where I’m really from. But if you want me to get into my family history, sure, how much time do you have? Because I was born in Australia, my parents are Indian, but my dad lived and grew up in Singapore. My sister was born in India, but then my parents moved to Australia when she was a couple of years old and…should I go on? 

How about, where are YOU really from?

Eating rice for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

The most versatile of carbs that no Asian gets sick of, ever.

Receiving brutally honest comments about your appearance from your parents…

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