Duo of dioramas feature dozens of tiny items clipped out of old magazines or handmade by an artist.
There were uncountable artworks inspired by the Beatles and psychedelia in the 1960s and ’70s.
But few are as mind-blowing as a pair of miniature dioramas that Reid Shier, director of The Polygon Gallery, recently found at an antique store in Nanaimo.
A diorama is a model of a real-life scene, executed with three-dimensional objects. In this case, the overall pieces are about a foot tall and wide, and are packed with items about as big as your fingernail — the one on your little finger.
One is a girl’s bedroom during Beatlemania in the mid-’60s. The second seems to be a “crash pad” circa 1970, after psychedelia hit.
For a Beatles fan, or anyone who lived through the era, the petite pieces provide a flashback.
“The stuff that you don’t even remember that you remember,” Shier notes with a laugh.
But, given the ongoing popularity of the Beatles, and a current vogue for dioramas, the two dioramas have appeal across generations, too. They are quite amazing, and amazingly charming.
You can guess at the time they were created by the tiny images inside. The girl’s room is filled with itsy-bitsy photos of the early, suit-wearing Beatles on the walls and the door, including a miniature poster of their appearance at the London Palladium in 1963. But some stuff is from as late as 1966.
There seems to be 35 photos and posters, but there might be more hidden behind the furniture, which includes a miniature bed with a miniature hand-stitched “Beatles 4 Ever” blanket and a “Paul I Luv U Ya! Ya! Ya!” pillow. Both the pillow and blanket also feature a hand-stitched red heart, for love.
A guess is that the photos were all clipped out of Beatles magazines. But they are so small they must have come from the contents listing page, where they would have been reduced to entice readers to venture into the actual story (and bigger photos) inside. Clipping them out would have taken great care and time.
But the photos are just the beginning.
There are also a bunch of tiny clippings leaning against the wall that represent the girl’s record and magazine collection, with the Beatles 1966 album Revolver in front. It isn’t the actual album cover, but rather an ad for a single from the album, Yellow Submarine and Eleanor Rigby.
This means the image was probably clipped from one of those old record club ads, where you got a bunch of records for cheap to entice you to order LPs at a regular price for a year. The magazine covers — there appear to be 16 — are probably from subscription ads. One is a Summer, 1964 Datebook cover, which was a Beatles magazine.
The fan has written “Beatlemaniacs of the world unite” and “Paul Forever” on her window, and has a Beatles toy guitar by her bed, beside her transistor radio. Across the room is a portable record player with two speakers. It looks like they are all hand-made, perhaps out of plasticine.
Her miniature dresser (drawers labelled Paul, John, Ringo and George) also has hand-made cosmetics — one is labelled “skin cream.” There’s also pink slippers and pink shoes, perhaps from a doll. But not the tiny doll on the bed, it’s too small.
The show-stopper is a cosy filled with the world’s smallest letters, which feature the world’s smallest writing.
“One is addressed to Paul McCartney, London England, Britain, Europe, The World, The Universe,” marvels Shier.
The psychedelic room may represent a male Beatles fan — there is a miniature Playboy Reader magazine. There is still a bit of a Beatles theme — including a tiny version of a famous Richard Avedon photo of the Beatles on a wall — but the rest of the room is a period piece about the counterculture in the late ’60s and early ’70s.
This ranges from a 1967 psychedelic poster from San Francisco’s Avalon Ballroom featuring Big Brother and the Holding Company to a blueish-purple stained glass window with a pink peace symbol painted on top, and macramé hanging down the sides.
The top of the room is painted in waves of Day-Glo pink and orange, separated by rings of black. The message “Make Love Not War” is written on the wall, along with replicas of buttons with ’60s slogans like “Flower Power,” “Sock It To Me,” and “Sex Is a Commie Plot.”
There are pot buttons (“God Grows His Own”), drug buttons (“Drop Acid Not Bombs”) and pop-culture buttons that have a sly drug reference (“Snoopy Sniffs Airplane Glue”). Being a crash pad, there’s no bed, just a couple of giant puffy pillow-blanket deals.
It’s so intricate, it’s dazzling. It comes with a tiny sink that has plumbing, a fireplace mantle decorated in a psychedelic floral motif, and tiny replicas of Heinz ketchup, Kellogg’s Corn Flakes, and Tide detergent on a shelf.
When you first look at the dioramas, you guess they were done by a teenaged Beatles fan. But, when you look closer, you realize they must have been done by an artist, because they are far too complex and nuanced.
Unfortunately, Shier has no idea who made them.
“The legend is someone knew someone who made these things in Victoria,” he said. “So somebody in Victoria knows the story.”
The dioramas were purchased at Old City Panache in Nanaimo.
“The only thing we have on those is that they came from an estate just up from the legislature building in Victoria,” said Mary-Lynn Kellogg of Old City Panache.
“The woman who owned the estate had a very extensive art collection, very eccentric and eclectic art.”
As the director of the Polygon Gallery in North Vancouver, Shier thinks the pair would be great in a show of dioramas, which have become very popular of late. The dioramas are not currently on display.
He would love to find out the name of the artist in case he does do a show — and discover what other gems they created.
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